ITANAGAR, Mar 12: Facing severe criticism for irrational distribution of teachers in schools across the state, the Department of Education has proposed to carry out massive transfer and posting to implement rationalization in deployment of teachers during the vacation months of April-May 2017.
The Department has been facing much flak over the inequitable teacher deployment and finally seems to be making an attempt to set things right.
Whereas about 900 schools in the interior are running with single teacher, there are schools, mostly located in the Capital Complex area and District Headquarters where there are reportedly excess teachers particularly the TGTs (JTs). Because of the irrational distribution of teachers, Education activities are suffering in the remote schools of the State. Even SSA teachers who are meant for specific schools of remote areas were being posted or attached in the schools of Capital Complex or District Headquarters.
Recently, Department of Education has directed all the DDSEs to release all the SSA teachers attached in the schools of State Capital and District Headquarters. All the DDSEs have also been directed to confirm the rejoining of the SSA teachers in their original places of posting in the Districts. The Department has also directed the concerned DCs to take actions against teachers, including termination from service, whoever fails to report back to his or her original place of posting.
The echo of unequal deployment of teachers in various schools of the State and the consequent shortage of teachers was also heard in the State Assembly during the ongoing session. On March 8 last, the house unanimously resolved to take steps for equitable distribution of teachers in the State.
Meanwhile, the Department of Education has already initiated action on the rationalization process by writing to the concerned DCs to furnish school-wise deployment of teachers along with enrollment of the students. The rationalization of posting of teachers is proposed to be completed before the re-opening of the Schools after vacation in the month of June 2017.
There are 3317 Government schools 2,57,445 schools students and 20,940 number of Government teachers including SSA in the State.